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Weifang Marine Development and Fisheries Bureau held the city's marine management work conference


In order to strengthen the management of sea areas and islands, improve the working mechanism of marine supervision, and ensure the continuous and stable order of marine development and utilization in the city, on July 18, Weifang Marine Development and Fisheries Bureau organized a conference on marine management in the city. Xu Ying, secretary of the party group and director of the bureau, attended the meeting and speak.

The meeting emphasized that the first is to improve the political position and strengthen ideological understanding. Resolutely implement the policy requirements of the higher-level, and serve and guarantee the demand for sea use. The main responsible comrades of the marine authorities in coastal urban areas should personally grasp, personally intervene, and personally supervise the sea use issues found in suspicious areas. The second is to strengthen business learning and enhance law enforcement capabilities. Conscientiously study laws and regulations and higher-level policy documents, analyze typical cases in various places, and learn from the advanced experience of various places. At the same time, strengthen business training, and do a good job in on-site verification of suspicious areas. The third is to enhance service awareness and ensure the demand for sea use. Strengthen the supply of sea-using elements, revitalize the stock resources in the sea area, and fully serve and guarantee the sea use demand of projects in accordance with laws and regulations. The fourth is to supervise the implementation of responsibilities and strictly supervise law enforcement. Compact the main responsibility of the owner of the right to use the sea area and the responsibility of territorial supervision, strengthen the law enforcement force of maritime surveillance, standardize law enforcement procedures and standards, and realize early detection and early suppression of illegal Face up to the problem, comprehensively sort out the problem ledger, link up and down, and properly handle historical legacy problems such as reclamation.

In the next step, the Municipal Ocean Development and Fisheries Bureau will resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, strictly implement the system of daily inspections for the use of sea areas, increase the intensity of marine supervision and law enforcement inspections, and ensure that no new illegal use of marine islands occurs. Weifang contributes to the "sea fishing" force.

36 Gaoxin 2 Road, Weifang High-tech Zone, Shandong Province, China



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